Tuesday, March 8, 2011

THIS is THE moment!!!!

Are you in a RUT?  Do you need a KICK in the pants to help you achieve your goals?  Well, I have your motivation right here:  WIN, LOSE, OR BLOG IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SEASON 4!!!!!!!!  Not convinced?  Go and read what Lindsey Lu has to share about WLB here.  You can also click around Win, Lose, or Blog and read more.  Run, RUN to apply and support WLB and it's Season 4 contestants!!!  I lost 16 pounds (I would not have lost) during the 7 weeks of Season 3, and when I've lost 100 I will give all credit to WLB for inspiring me to get started when I didn't want to!  Will you be the next contestant (or writer!) on Win, Lose, or Blog?

Pushin' through the pain!


  1. I think I might just have to check this out!

  2. Well said! Motivation and inspiration are key to success! Thanks for inspiring me everyday! <3


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